Che Buono!
DOMANI means "Tomorrow" in Italian. The restaurant is located on the ground floor of Taipei's Civic Avenue lanmark, JUT residence 明日博, along with the surrounding of JUT ART MUSEUM and public art, keep absorbing artistic and cultural values. DOMANI Paires the premium ingredients with Mediterranean spices, presented to you through the New Italy culinary concept.
No. 7, Ln. 65, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd., Da'an Dist.02-8772-3355
輕奢低調 餐酒饗宴
義式餐廳 Domani 以其最受歡迎的經典菜色,帶入義大利特色獨具的 Bar 文化,提供全天候隨性自在的餐酒社交場域「Bar Domani」,結合義式精品咖啡與「Old Bridge」義式冰淇淋,共同詮釋道地義式生活,在品嚐每一口美食的當下,感受 Che Buono 的熱情!
3F., No.200, Lequn 3rd Rd., Zhongshan Dist. (NOKE)02-8501-5389
新鮮現做 甜點科學
羅馬人氣品牌 Old Bridge 首間亞洲旗艦店,以義大利純正製作手法,搭配當季水果與 100% 新鮮牛奶等高品質食材,創造一口即上癮道地綿密義式口感,吸引世界美食愛好者而聞名。
3F., No.200, Lequn 3rd Rd., Zhongshan Dist. (NOKE)02-8501-5389